Alison Sant laid the foundation for her book with a simple premise, – best resiliency practices come from the communities that are on the front lines. After more than ninety interviews with community activists, city officials, scientists and urban designers across the country Sant’s book is finally complete. It is available online, will be hitting the bookstores in February and…
San Francisco has a long history of creating tactical experiments to reclaim its city streets. These efforts began with Bonnie Ora Sherk’s portable parks in the 1970s, exploded with the creation of the first Park(ing) Day by the design collective Rebar in 2005, and seeded the city’s Parklet and Shared Spaces programs today. Reclaiming city streets is a critical part…
By Alison Sant // For more than three decades, US cities have experimented with ways to remake themselves in response to climate change. From tactical interventions and urban prototypes to pilot projects, streets have been reconfigured to accommodate people, bikes, and transit. Roads, parks, and backyards have been made absorbent. Forest canopies have been broadened and urban waters restored. These…
Time-lapse of Packard Jennings doing an illustration for Alison Sant’s book ‘From The Ground Up,’ published by Island Press, 2022.
A quick glimpse at Alison Sant’s new book ‘From The Ground Up: Local Efforts to Create Resilient Cites,’ published by Island Press, 2022.