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Photo of an urban gardener planting a tree

Women’s Forest Congress

October 17–20, 2022 // The Women’s Forest Congress is a forum to develop strategies and solutions for forests through a female lens. Women throughout the forest space have come together to share personal and professional experiences, connect with other women in the sector, shape the latest innovations, and consider how actions informed by the female perspective can make a profound…

Parking Day in San Francisco

Terre Verde: Creating Resilient Cities

Fifty five percent of humanity lives in cities. By 2050, that number will have gone up to to 70 percent. Our future is urban, yet urbanization in it’s current form is threatening the future of humanity and the natural world. Terra Verde host and ‘Earth Island Journal’ editor, Maureen Nandini Mitra, and Alison Sant, cofounder of the Studio for Urban…

Volunteers install stormwater features along a block in the 7th Ward, New Orleans

Canadian Architect Reviews From the Ground Up

By Anne Lissett // Alison Sant’s inspiring book showcases how individual communities, local community leaders, and grassroots organizations have put the classic adage “Think global, act local” into action and made real, meaningful improvements to quality of life while reducing carbon emissions in major American cities.

The Atlantic Festival Poster Image

The Atlantic Festival

September 21, 2022 // The stakes couldn’t be higher. Finding solutions to climate change so that people and nature can thrive together is the opportunity and challenge of the moment. ‘The Atlantic’ will assemble policymakers, climate innovators, scientists and business leaders to address today’s most urgent climate challenges and solutions to build a more resilient future.

Urban landscapers tending plants.

Bottom Up Solutions with Alison Sant

As the world looks for new ways for cities to adapt to climate change, design expert Alison Sant believes that potential solutions lie at the front lines and with the people most directly impacted. In her recent book “From The Ground Up: Local Efforts to Create Resilient Cities,” Alison shows how communities are raising the bar to make cities places…

Upland Migration in Louisiana Hero Image

Upland Migration in Louisiana, an Animated Film

Louisiana currently loses one football field of wetlands approximately every hour and a half. The state’s Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast established a $50 billion strategy for protecting and restoring the remaining wetlands– advancing solutions including marsh creation, beach and dune restoration, coastal forest conservation, flood walls, and sediment pipelines, which transfer river sediment to nourish marshlands. However,…

Billion Oyster Project Film Hero Image

Billion Oyster Project Reef Life Cycle, an Animated Film

In New York City, the Billion Oyster Project was launched in 2014 by Murray Fischer and Peter Malinowski. At their headquarters at the Harbor School on Governors Island, BOP houses their laboratory and runs a shell recycling program where 8,000 lbs of shell per week are collected from over 70 restaurants and cured in giant mounds to be used in…

Bayview-Hunters Point Shoreline Parks Hero Image

Bayview-Hunters Point Shoreline Parks, an Animated Film

Historically, Bayview-Hunters Point has had the highest rates of home ownership among Black people in San Francisco but has suffered from generations of environmental injustice and neglect for basic infrastructure. Today, development of a network of parks along the southern waterfront is creating an opportunity for residents to envision the future of their neighborhood and economically participate in the investments…